Saturday 26 March 2016

A Top Up of Coins

Today I received over 5 kilograms of coins through the post. They were expected to come on Tuesday but they were delivered today so I was extra chuffed! I sat there in the living room for maybe 2 or 3 hours sorting them out into countries. There was a dominant number of USA, Spain and South Africa coins which was surprising! I ALSO GOT ANOTHER NAZI COIN which I'll post tomorrow on this blog. It's even more faded than the other one but it's still cool.

Because I now have a decent amount of USA, Spain and South Africa coins I'm now going to order 3 folders for them to live in! This afternoon I got round to filing in preparation for the folders arriving! I started with 5 Pesetas from Spain and I've listed the spares on the blog! I will list the other spare denominations tomorrow! It's 18:55pm here and my eyes are strained from reading small coins all day haha! Not to mention the amount of 1989-2001 5 Pesetas I've got. If you haven't seen them go onto the 'Spain' page on this blog. They are absolutely tiny. I had to read the date on ALL OF THEM I think I now need glassesajkfahf.

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