Wednesday 23 March 2016

Hitler Could've Touched This... Right?!

When I was sorting through my bag of unsorted coins at the weekend I found this 5 REICHSPFENNIG. Now, this is where my uneducated mind came into play. I saw the swastika (Nazi symbol) and I thought wow Hitler could've touched this! But it's basically like holding a 1940 UK One Penny and saying 'Wow Winston Churchill could've touched this'. Nevertheless I still found it interesting to see the swastika and relate it to history.

To make my situation even worse my history grade at high school was absolutely shocking. You'll never guess it. Nope, not an F. I got a G. Yes they exist! I sat there in the exam hall, opened the exam paper, read the question and closed the paper. The exam invigilator looked at me like WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! But I genuinely had no idea how to answer the question. I sat there and counted the bricks on the wall. History never interested me at school so I just switched off in class. Which is weird because I'm so fascinated by old coins!

5 Reichspfennig

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