Tuesday 28 June 2016

George III 1774 Half Penny

Gooood morning all! Keeping it with the United Kingdom coins today looking at this 1774 half penny. 6.3 grams of Copper. Sometimes I think to myself wow why doesn't copper just suddenly run out and it becomes a precious metal - then all us coin collectors would be rich, wouldn't we?!

Prime Minister in 1774 - Lord North (Conservative)
2 May - The Society of Antiquaries of London opened the coffin of King Edward I and discovered that his body has been perfectly preserved for 467 years. WHAT?!
4th October - A highwayman robs Prime Minister Lord North.

1 comment:

  1. Especially if you start collecting the similar coins in each year that they are minted, the "set" will have a greater value collectively than just one coin.
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