Friday 15 April 2016

A 161 Year Old Coin I Didn't Even Realise I Had

This afternoon I searched my mini folder to see if I could find any hidden gems. You know when you learn things about coins over time such as words that link to the country of origin, or a certain monarch on the front... then you take a look at your collection and think wow! I didn't even realise I had this coin!

That's what I did this afternoon. I opened my folder to see this one particular coin. I turned my lamp on and found the date and some recognisable words on it that I could pump into google. Why didn't I do this before?

I found it was a French 10 Centimes from 1855. A coin 161 years old! Very bad condition but still, how cool! I can't even remember where I bought it from. I think it was in a pile!

As you can see below my coin is bottom left and bottom right. The photo on the right shows a different light because I literally had to hold it right up the lamp to even get the detail to show up on camera! The top photograph is a photo retrieved from google, just so you can see what it should look like! The google example is 1953 whereas mine is 1955!

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