Saturday 9 April 2016

A Possible Order To India!

I haven't posted on here in a couple of days which gets to me! I want to do a blog post per day, that's my aim!

Yesterday I arranged an order for a person called Karan in India! I'm just waiting on the payment. They wanted 5 One Penny coins (the old style!). What I found interesting was that they wanted one penny from each Monarch from the date 1898! A fantastic idea! If you look at the photograph below you will see what I mean. I personally collect all the dates and that's the only thing I look for, but this is a great idea!

The cost of these 5 coins was £0.50 total, and delivery to India is £3.00 for a 100 gram envelope. I don't think delivery to India for £3.00 is much at all! A letter that travels round the world for that price! Wow. When I first started doing this I was getting orders from all over the world and I'm really still mind blown by it all!

I'm still young at 21 years old and I find that travelling the world isn't something I should do now (if that's even something I did want to do in the future!). I'm at the 'working and saving up' stage of my life, not the spending part! However my coins are doing the travelling for me!

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