Tuesday 5 April 2016

A Quiet Day

Today saw me finish off sorting out my pile of unknown coins. I had a lot of help from my Instagram followers (@uneducatedcoincollector). What I did was post a couple of coins per day on there and said they could have £0.10 off their next order for each coin they guessed... so they win with a discount, and I win with my coin sorting! It's so handy to have my fantastic followers because I'm learning so much from them!

As you can see below these are a few of the money bags containing the various individual countries. If I only have one or two coins per country I don't bother reaching for a coin pouch and a folder because there's no point, yet! For example I currently have one Iceland coin. It's really not worth me buying pouches and starting an 'Iceland' folder! So what I'll do is wait years and years or until I have enough coins to start that collection! I'm going to do a blog post on my folder situation tomorrow (it's pretty cool!) so see you then!

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