Monday 18 April 2016

Building A 2014 Coin Into A Church Wall

I mentioned in my blog post yesterday that I replaced the coin I found in the church yard with another coin! Well here it is, with the photo!

I remember repointing the flint work and it got down to this last void that I had to fill. I remembered in my pocket I had some change! Would you believe it, it was a virtually uncirculated 5 pence coin from 2014. Perfect!

My hope is that in maybe 1000 years time when this area is rebuilt again somebody may find my note and my coin and get rich. Although I'm slightly worried the coin will deteriorate somehow because I literally wrapped it in the note, no plastic! So it's a long shot!

How cool would it be if when rebuilding the church wall I found a note and a coin? Imagine that!

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