Monday 4 April 2016

Touchdown! My First Order To Italy ARRIVES!

I was literally so excited when Sam messaged me saying he'd received his coins in Italy. I'm so happy he put his trust in me and was my first EVER order! To be honest that takes a lot of guts. There are so many scammers out there after your money it's unbelievable but finally this proves I'm not one hahaha! I've been posting on Instagram and blogging for around 2 weeks now whilst advertising that I'm selling off my spares for £0.10 each and I'm pretty sure some people looked at me like 'hmmm naaaah I don't trust this guy!'. So massive credit to Sam for getting the ball rolling.

I've said in the past I'm making no money from selling my spare coins. The delivery charge (which was £2.00 in Sam's case) covers the time it takes me to deal with the order with you via email, the time it takes for me to find the coins in my draw, the time it takes to photograph front and back of every coin needed. That's before I have to pay for the envelope that the coins go in, the stamp and the time and fuel it takes me to get to the post office to post it! I'm charging peanuts.

I'm doing this out of pure leisure and I'm loving every second of it! Helping other people fill the gaps in their coin collections is just a fantastic feeling.

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