Saturday 16 April 2016

Starting My Present Day Penny Collection

I'm not sure how common it is to collect circulated coins but I don't see why not? If I could go back in time to the year 1900 and collect up the best conditioned coins out of my back pocket then stick them in a folder, they'd be worth a lot more now! Obviously I wouldn't be alive to see them but it's about passing them on. Imagine if I had a family member who back in 1900 had this idea. To collect up the coins of their time for future generations.

Anyway the photo is my current circulated penny collection. The page starts at 1971 because the previous page is the old style large penny which finishes at 1967. So once you finish looking at the old pennies, flip over and you've got the newer version, in date order! I feel so efficient right now.

I know, there isn't many is there! But the beauty of doing this is my family and myself get a new load of pennies in their back pocket just from daily transactions! So I can sift through them and exchange them for worse condition coins in my collection. This is nearly as exciting as collecting old coins.

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